Thursday 9 November 2017

Maths: In maths this week we did another word problem on the mat. I found it hard when we did it. I really enjoyed it when we played yahtzee for our maths rotations.

Reading: In reading this week I liked it when we did the must do’s and can do’s. I enjoyed doing the character inference sheet with our favorite book. And the handwriting was fun too.

Writing: Writing this week was part of the reading activities.

It was book week and it was super fun. I really liked doing the Kahikatea book quiz on Monday and our group won! It was also really cool when we dressed up in our costumes on wednesday!

Friday 3 November 2017


Maths: In maths this week I liked it when we did our mental maths questions and when I did my gloss test. It was a little  hard when we did the maths word story.

Reading: In reading this week we did our must do’s and can do’s and I finished my blog and camp review. I really liked doing book talk on thursday as well.

Writing: writing this week was part of our must do’s and can do’s which was fun.